I highly commend the web page 'Nine top tips for Media students'. From the people behind theory.org.uk, its worth a read!

Monday, 28 September 2009

***READ ME!!!*** FILM FESTIVAL updated Monday 5th

  1. payments need to be made by Monday at the latest for all tickets
  2. payments go to Jan, NOT me
  3. all forms must be in, signed (doesn't matter if you're 18, still must be signed by parent) by Monday
  4. this includes medical forms from Sept which you may need to chase up with your tutor
  5. I must have a full programme from you so I can find you in case there are any problems; if there are large blank spots in your personal programme, pick out sessions with tickets available and confirm details with me - tomorrow, Friday. YOUR CHOICES ARE HERE: 13A 13D 12C 12D
  6. in addition, I'll be looking for a write up & photos (where permission is given) from each session & screening; I'll say more about this on Friday
  7. FINAL LIST OF SPARE TICKETS - CLICK HERE - 1st come 1st served; once you let me know I'll pass any relevant details on to Jan
  8. if your travel intentions involve anything other than leaving school at 8.35 your form must be signed accordingly
  9. if you've signed up for the Final Cut masterclass you need to ensure you've familiarised yourself with the basics before Thursday!!! John will be in for the A2 lessons, when available, until Thursday to help you with this
It may not be too late to get tickets for workshops you didn't initially sign up for; ring the National Media Museum box office directly on 0870 70 10 200 (payment is required; you'll need a debit/credit card).

A list of any paid-for workshops you signed up for can be at point 5 above- please make sure you get the money in for these this week, or I'll offer these tickets to others, though you're still responsible for the cost until someone else takes it up.

The festival website has the full programme.
As its next week, start speaking to subject teachers about any work you might miss so you're not faced with unexpected homeworks or other deadlines when you're back in school on the Monday.

Sunday, 27 September 2009


You'll find all the exam board's (OCR) documentation on the Media syllabus - which includes the assessment criteria for your coursework and exam, plus examples of question papers and exam essays - at http://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/type/gce/amlw/media_studies/documents/index.aspx
The latest version of the specification can be found here
The summary of the A2 Media course at IGS issued at the start of the year is here

Significant signing signifying agreement

Please don't forget to get those letters signed and back in tomorrow! Denote your diligence! I did try to stress on those the importance of each of you having a high-capacity memory stick (ideally 16Gb - you'll find your film files will creep above 4Gb in time), though forgot to also mention headphones.
In a utopian universe, you'd also all have an Apple Mac, camcorder, tripod, boom mike and all the rest too! Good luck with that! We are now very low on tripods, so it may be worth discussing within a group or just with friends chipping in for a tripod as you will often find none left to borrow following the damage to many of the existing tripods we had to loan to you

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Your new blog + new blog on your blogs

Check back later for details on this over at http://a2mediablogs.blogspot.com, and an overview of the coursework process. You'll already see some thoughts on coming up with ideas - as well as being a straight chase for grades your Media coursework should be centred round an idea that really excites YOU, not just someone else in a group. You may not get too many more opportunities in the future, depending on Uni/career choices, to indulge your creative side to such an extent so grab this chance with both hands!!!

Remember, your blog URL should be surname-forenamea2.blogspot.com, and its name Forename Surname's A2 Media Production - alas, for E-Unit and the likes, lets leave out the production co names etc this time! (You can always create an image and add a banner to your blog with your production co. logo)