These reflect a much slower pace than planned, reflective of the lack of detailed video research over the summer and slow initial pace of completing general conventions research. Be mindful that Xmas will remain your productionS deadline (3, not 1: website + digipak too), and any courework overrun impacts exam preparation. Here's a summary (list not completed yet; I'll do this as a Word doc to tick off once finalised) of what should be on your blog for half-term, with deadlines highlighted:
- All comments must be replied to - once actioned (ie, you've done something to improve a post)
- You must include an absolute minimum of 3 gifs each (3 you have generated) in your general conventions posts (combined), including at least 1 in GC5 cinematography.
- All posts must be well presented, with sub-headings where useful; specific pics/gifs (fine to use Ppts for multi-pics); tagging; clear + numbered post titles, added to links lists as you post; initials to denote any work which isn't done by you
- Most posts should a short, clear SUMMARY and/or 'POSSIBLE INFLUENCES' (or equivalent wording you prefer) at the top of the post, using a consistent font/size/colour
- By the 1st of each month you should post a to-do list, eg OCTOBER TO-DO LIST, listing blogging tasks to do this month (and update throughout the month, before doing a fresh post for Nov 1st and so on). I would encourage you to explore the options for a shared google calendar (which can be embedded on your blogs)
- Add ALL vids you look at to 1 or more individual playlists (ie, each of you have this playlist linked to your YouTube). All playlists should be featured in a links list
- Podcasts must be uploaded to Soundcloud weekly in time for playback at the start of lesson Mon P5, starting Mon 1st October, and links lists updated. If you want to vodcast/vlog, ie use multiple images, use YouTube, eg PODCAST1 Initial research, group + ideas.
- You must endeavour to use specific media language, including precise denotation, semiotic terms etc
- Post separately on EVERY theory you apply - such posts might be short, but make sure they're clear, and provide a relevant example (fine to copy/paste from whatever post you mention it in): eg THEORY1: BUTLER'S queer theory.
- Bear in mind you're blogging on your journey, and evidencing research on 3 broad themes - CIA: Conventions, Industry, Audience - so blog on anything you feel is useful at any time. If you flick through my blog you'll see it reflects I read all the time on the music biz, you could look at some of the sources that spark my posts (and others that catch your eye)
- social media: each pick ONE social media you'll update as you go (minimum 1 post a week). Mostly just use blog material, but worded to be appropriate for social media, including # where relevant. At least 1 should be as the artist and at least 1 as the video (or other) production company. Social media posts will be short!!!
Welcome to my blog!
Reflections on my AS coursework
What I did well; my strengths
What I know I need to do better; my weaknesses
Key skills I hope to develop
Learning from past A2 coursework
Be specific!!! You can note great things you see - and not so great/things to avoid. Include blogs and eval answers in your response:
Sophie and
Evie's are very good examples.
Richard's is poorly organised, has many incomplete posts - BUT has lots of great resources for anyone looking into Indie, and is just a great example of how free and creative you can be with your ideas...
Molly's was based around that Sly Antics vid (warehouse, oldies in coffee shop etc)
GENERAL CONVENTIONS 10 vids I'll analyse
Playlist AND text list
GENERAL CONVENTIONS Thoughts on 10 sample vids
IDEAS 1 [+ useful key words]
There should be several of these; don't need
much writing, but enough to be specific and clear. Just as important: use of specific images/gifs,
not just full embedded vids. You should link + refer to lyrics.
GENERAL CONVENTIONS 1st 6 shots of 1D vid
Should be quite a lot of clear detail + terminology!!!
GENERAL CONVENTIONS Pace + shot variety in 3 vids
GEN Cs+Cs1: Lyrics/Visuals; narrative (etc)
use my numbering system for this 10 part research (+ summary + vodcast), effectively 'chapters' of your vodcast. If you want to split any of these topics into smaller posts, use (eg) 1a to keep the numbering system. Remember, you each need to individually blog on at least 1 clear, specific example for each topic before combining research; and adding multiple short but specific points on additional vids will clearly improve the quality of your research...and therefore knowledge + understanding. I've provided a lot of detail
PODCAST 1: Group, initial research + ideas
On blogs from soundcloud weekly before Monday lessons for playback. Vodcast/vlog from YouTube or Vimeo
if you want to include useful illustrative images (slower to do but better). Typical length 60 secs. typical format: updates (since our last podcast we have...) + plans (coming up, with some clear dates, we will...). A jingle or other branding would be good (you could each have your own).
Next major step after general conventions are nailed. Basically you're summing up not just the idea, but pre-production/planning you've done/to do linked to casting, location scouting, costume/props/make-up etc. A re-pitch is updating on progress, and idea firming up.
To ensure you clearly evidence THE JOURNEY, a key phrase which is repeated in the assessment criteria, you'd post on each pre-production 'event' like visiting possible locations.
SOCIAL MEDIA my chosen platform
SOCIAL MEDIA my group's platforms
You'll each run 1 social media, including 1+ as the artist and 1+ as 'the' production co (often sep for vid/site/CD sleeve). A 3rd could be as artist manager or record label (each of those might post on other Indie artists on their label/management too). As always, you
each need to evidence
individual research into the format: what/how does actual examples post (design, language, hashtagging etc)
BLOGGER tools used
FCPX tools used
Use a single post to update or numbered posts + log your uses of each technology. This can then be used to help 1 of your eval Qs, and will help too with exam Q1a preparation (CRUD - D for digital technologies).