Your exam is similar to but not identical with the OCR (UK) syllabus it is based on, so there is value in also looking at those for further practice questions. You've only got 2015, 2016 and sample past papers so far from CIE as it is a new syllabus (the OCR started in 2008).
Below you can access these in two formats: first, the full past paper (sample, June 15, Nov 15, June 16) THEN screenshots of the questions only for Q1a+Q1b THEN for the Media regulation topic.
CIE A2 past exam Qs by DB3@IGS on Scribd
2015 JUNE: 1A Use of conventions 1B Representation
NOV: 1A Research + Planning 1B Genre
2016 JUNE: 1A R+P/Creativity 1B Narrative
NOV: 1A Digital tech/creativity 1B Audience
2017 JUNE: Use of conventions + Media Lang the most likely?