I highly commend the web page 'Nine top tips for Media students'. From the people behind theory.org.uk, its worth a read!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Press links

Current ABCs (March 2017): Press Gazette.

ROUGHLY what % of NATIONAL DAILY circulation is accounted for by the Murdoch press?

Does ownership (ignored by GCP, PC, PCC and now IPSO) matter? Would it bother you if, say, Donald Trump or Marie Le Pen owned the biggest selling papers in your country, with no laws to prevent them from ensuring they represented their political views? Does it matter that Silvio Berlusconi attained a position of media dominance in Italy then political and legal dominance? Does it matter that Murdoch has successfully backed every election winning party for 40 years, and seems to get privileged access to the PM and government ministers in the UK? Maybe he should be allowed to make SkyNews into a political mouthpiece for right-wing ideology like Fox News in the US (not allowed under much stricter impartiality laws for TV enforced by OfCom - there is no equivalent for the press)? This opinion piece certainly thinks it does.

Do the web readership figures match the narrative of falling circulation? Does this suggest any more or less urgent need for regulation of OWNERSHIP, and/or to ensure PLURALISM?

What is the Editors' Code? Save a full copy for yourself. What does it have to say about children? What does it have to say about ownership? Advertising?
Do you think this is a sufficient basis for press regulation?

Have a look at rulings - any useful cases on children?

Now have a look for Guardian reports on IPSO and children - anything to add?
